TGIF! 2 Discussions & 2 Resources for Getting Things DONE :-)

Published: Fri, 04/27/18

Happy Friday! Quick note this time, but GOOD stuff. :)

Yesterday I talked about feeling stalled or stuck vs being on a serious ROLL. I hope you had a chance to download and read the free "comeback manifesto" I recommended.

That one is a serious life-changer.

On that note, we're having a Friday Accountability Chat in the Weekly Marketing Challenge Group on Facebook.

Join us and check in!

I also have a PRIVATE Pricing Feedback thread going in that group, if you're interested in how I'm restructuring my Private Brainstorming Group - and want to throw your 2c into the ring. :)

And finally, I found these two resources today and wanted to share them with you too - because they crossed my screen at the PERFECT time! I'm all about goals and getting stuff done lately, powering through projects and tasks like crazy - and using every tool & resource I can find to keep things rolling HOT. ;-) Here they are...

60 Essential Checklists
Avoid the most common mistakes, take all the shortcuts and grow your own business FASTER simply by following these step by step checklists!

Action Generator (this thing is amazingly cool!)
Check out the Action Unleashed guide toward the end, and also the two "clarity map" posters you can print & hang up for daily reminders & motivation. :) Love!

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you missed my email yesterday with the link to watch my Instagram Marketing talk, updates about my group & affiliate program etc, you can read it online here now. *cheers*