Straight Talk: Was it worth it?

Published: Thu, 08/09/18

I find it fascinating all the different ways people are making money online, and the methods/models they use - some to the point of exclusivity.

We've been talking a lot about that in my weekly Brainstorming Hour sessions lately. Specifically the importance of diversifying your traffic & revenue sources, and also on the difference between "just making money online" and having a sustainable business.

Right now I'm listening in to the replay of Bob Beckett on the Legends of Digital Marketing series talk about Email Marketing, which is about "Use these 3 secrets he used to grow his email list & audience to over a million subscribers." (He's been working online about the same amount of time as I have: 21+ years.)

The "Legends" webinar series I told you about last week is actually still going on live, because they ended up stretching it out over this week - through the final session on Saturday, I believe. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the changing schedule. ;-)

Earlier today I listened in to Justin Burns live and took TONS of notes. That one fired me up!! I had to leave early because I had a phone call scheduled, but I walked away with a solid idea to implement - FAST. I love that kind of stuff.

Click Here To See What It's All About...

I will say though, this series is messy and disorganized - both the schedule and the updates. I personally ignored all that, and focused on listening to & watching what I could -- and considering how I might want to implement what I learned from each successful online marketer in my own business.

If you sign up today, the first three replays from Friday's sessions MIGHT be on your welcome page. They're on mine, because they had so much tech trouble when the event kicked off last Friday. But I signed up before it started last week, but I'm guessing they're on everyone's welcome/confirmation page after signing up. (Note: just log in to your warrior plus account to see)

You can still order access to the recordings/replays of course and listen to any of these presentations at your leisure. I wish I had when I signed up for the live event, because I missed the special offer to get those less than half price. :p

Ironically, while I was writing this to you - they put up a temporary page with ALL the replays so even those of us that only paid $7 for live access... could watch anything we missed. Until end of day Sunday at least. Awesomeness. :)

I did mention it's a little disorganized, hey? 🙂 lol - it's been good though that it is, because it allowed me to get WAY more out of it than I could have last weekend alone when it was supposed to be live those 3 days only...

Right before that email with the temporary replays it had just occurred to me that instead of paying full price for the recordings, I could just pay the $7 again and probably get the special offer I skipped last time. Smart! But now I don't have to - if I watch all the replays I want to before Sunday night. Cool. :)

Heather asked me if it was worth it to go ahead and get the recordings, since neither of us went for that option when we signed up - and neither of us ended up being able to watch all the sessions live.

Of course now we don't have to worry about that since they were so generous with the temporary access, but my reply to her is pretty much my filter on anything or any product/service I'm looking at:

Will I have the time to study/watch/learn? Will I have (or take) the time to implement what I learn? Of course I always find valuable ideas, and even motivation/inspiration ALWAYS worth the investment IF (and only if) I actually act on it. Otherwise it's just an expense.

So the filter is: investment vs expense. Plain & simple!

There are pitches and offers on a lot of the sessions, and that might annoy you - or you might be like me: learning more from watching/hearing people like Matt Bacak and Shawn Casey "pitch" (and specifically how they do it, the wording they use, how they close, etc) - and considering that for the education it is: a live example you can study & emulate!

Back to my original point...

Was it worth it?

Seven bucks - yes, all day long. What I took away from the sessions I did listen in to live, or the replays I've listened to so far, it was worth WAY more than that. And now that I have unlimited access to the replays until Sunday night, it was *definitely* a good deal!

I'm not saying it was a perfect event. If you signed up for it you already know it's been really hit or miss with the technology (the first day anyway) and very unorganized as far as knowing what was when so you could plan for it. And there were some topics that didn't interest me at all.

But did I get $7 worth out of it? Heck yeah!

If you want to check it out and maybe sign up, just go to:

Legends of the Digital World 2.0

I'll say too that watching the whole thing unfold, problems and all, was full of lessons in itself - about hosting a live online event, the platforms, the email and communication, you name it. I took lots of notes on that part as well, using it (again) as a live example.

If you tuned in to any of it, I would love to hear YOUR thoughts too. What was your biggest take-away and/or did the schedule stretching out over this week turn out to be a positive or a negative to you?

I am going to listen in to the replays of the sessions i missed while I'm organizing my office and while I finish rearranging the furniture in here. I'm not very good at sitting still and focusing for long periods of time (lol) but that way if something GRABS my attention while it's playing in the room... I can plop down and make made notes. :)

Lynn Terry

p.s. As a "legend" myself with over two decades of experience and a lot of successes under my belt (I started online in 1997), THIS is exactly how I got where I am today: by watching, listening & learning from others in the space as we all collectively figure out the best methods and models for online business. And then: implementing that information and taking fast action on it. ;-)