Quick Update (on that crazy note I sent you a couple weeks ago)

Published: Sat, 10/13/18

I'm not sure if you saw my "I don't want to live my life anymore" note, and honestly - I'm not sure if you're interested in an update, or in hearing more of the story behind it all.

If you did miss it, you'll find it here.

Since then I've been actively working on and through solutions - and I've otherwise been busy with consulting and with working on a tax deadline. :P

I've also been on two trips - one of which found me sitting in the streets of Austin TX for a full day and night watching people come and go, mostly considering options and looking for inspiration.

It's an interesting thing to watch people as they go about their day.

You can tell a lot about their mood by the look on their face, their body language, how they carry themselves, etc. (A lot of people look stressed and unhappy, btw.)

And then... there's so much you can NOT tell about people.

I can pull off a great smile for the camera or when I pass someone on the street, even if I'm feeling my absolute worst. Not as a trick, but because there's no point in spreading the misery, and really because: what's the point?

They say just smiling will make you FEEL happier. I have not found that to be true, lol - but it does make you LOOK better at least. :)

On my second trip I had an incredibly thought-provoking conversation with my 27yo son about "the point of life."

The actual discussion between us was anything but positive and peppy, but I walked away with some great ideas to implement - and a fresh dose of inspiration!

We've been having some GREAT in depth talks on all of this in my Brainstorming Hour sessions twice a week ever since I sent you that email.

And on that note, one person replied and asked if I planned to continue my Private Brainstorming Group and weekly Brainstorming Hour sessions for members of that group...

YES! :-)

That's the ONE place on the web where I spend most of my time, and the work I enjoy most. That plus my low carb blog & niche, where I'm also working daily.

I use my successful niche blog & business as a live example when I teach the Brainstorming Hour sessions twice a week, which is always fun - to see "behind the curtain" of a successful niche business.

I've been running my Private Brainstorming Group for well over a decade now, closer to 15 years now I think, and have no plans to stop.

It's one of my favorite spots on the web! Why? Because I get to work with "action takers" and with a wide variety of smart, like-minded entrepreneurs in every niche and business model you can think up.

Plus it's just plain FUN.

My kinda fun at least, second to waterfall hikes. ;-)

So here's what I'm thinking...

Obviously there's a lot more going on than I shared in that one note.

I'd love to tell the whole story, and I'd love to use this experience I'm going through right now to help as many others as I can to turn their own lives around, no matter what the circumstances.

Life can throw some tough curve balls, and I'm discovering some interesting options & concepts - and ways to power through those and turn things around into a positive.

Since I sent you that note I've been putting a lot of thought into the best way to share my story and my thoughts on the potential solutions so that we can ALL benefit.

The problem is... it's highly personal, my story, and not all flattering. But then, that's real life - not always "the perfect happy life" people post on Facebook and Instagram. :p

There have been questions about whether I have clinical depression, whether I am truly suicidal, and even: WHY?! Because yes: I have a great lifestyle and a successful business, and I have it made compared to most people. (I realize that.)

I could just drop it and carry on and we could all ignore I ever sent you that note. :)

But I feel compelled to share the story, and talk solutions. Maybe because I need to be heard - or maybe because I feel there are people out there that need to hear it - or both.

At the very least, the story will be entertaining and enlightening. :) So I feel sure you'll want to hear/read it for the laughs alone! And also for the insight into the mind of a successful online entrepreneur, one that wants MORE out of life, and how she intends to make that happen.

Or maybe you'll be interested to discover that I know I can easily add a zero to my currently monthly income, and even more interested to find out why I don't - or haven't - and if I will, and if so HOW.

Who knows... there may be all sorts of things in my story that shock you, inspire you, excite you, or just make you THINK.

And if you take away just ONE thing you can use to improve YOUR life, it will be worth the time it takes me to write that story and share it with you. ;-)

So that's what I'm thinking.

Whether I have the balls to actually do it or not, lol... stay tuned and we'll both find out!

But if I do, I think it would be awesome to include some worksheets and checklists that I have used myself over the years to get through situations just like this one. Because this certainly isn't my first "big crisis" - and I've come up with ways to get through them, and turn them into amazing Turning Points that took my life in a while new direction!

I'm hoping that will be the case this time too. :)

One of my favorites is what I like to call the Worst Case Scenario Exercise, and it's one I've used to help many people through really tough situations - without totally spazzing out and losing their shit. Because it works!

And of course now I have the perfect templates to create those printables for you. :)

I'll get to work on all that, and probably host a webinar or Facebook Live next week so we can "talk live" and talk life - in real life.

Stay tuned for dates and details, and how/where you can download my story. For now I have to get back to that tax deadline I'm working on (ugh, ack, blah, eek! lol) and get that behind me... so I can get back to the fun stuff.

Yes I still do my own accounting. I actually ENJOY it - find it therapeutic even. Plus going back over income spikes from the previous year always gives me GREAT ideas for new things I can try/test, and of course things I can do again - and do better.

I always say:

Do more of what's working, and less of what's not.

I also say:

Start every single day with a money task - first!

Two good take-aways for you. :)


Lynn Terry

p.s. Are you working on this today:
Get A Fast Money-Maker Up This Weekend - ??

If not, you should be! I can't wait to wrap up my books and get to work on it myself!