🔥 I am on FIRE! Here's what happened...

Published: Sun, 10/14/18

No, I didn't light a match to the house and laugh wickedly while I watched it all burn to the ground.

Although that thought did cross my mind, more than once recently. :) haha

I got this WILD creative streak and started working on a new download for you - a fun and interactive training guide & workbook you can use to take your online business to the next level.

I am NOT a creative person by nature, by the way. More on that in a second, and how YOU can get inspired to create some awesome money-makers too!

Here's proof, an actual screenshot of the product creation process:

Nice, right? :) Especially for someone that doesn't have the design gene!

My graphics & creativity skills are practically nonexistent. I've always been better in plain text. ;-)

I have PROOF of that too. Here's the original download (free) - you can see it's literally just 5 plain text pages.

They're GOOD mind you, and I use them almost daily with my consulting clients and PBG members.

I can say that as a bold fact (that they ARE good) because I actually created them for myself, and have used them in my own business for more than a decade.

Remember the Point Click Workbook Templates I told you about the other day?

I downloaded those myself, of course. That's why I told you about it - because it's awesome!

And because at just $17 it's a no-brainer. It's the kind of product template you need in ANY niche to grow your list and make more sales - plain and simple.

I found out the price goes up on Tuesday, btw - so grab it now if you haven't yet.

Anyway, I went through the quick training videos and made some notes, then I opened up the templates.

They open up beautifully in a variety of programs. I chose Keynote on my Macbook, because I really enjoy working in that program, but you have lots of options, PC or Mac.


Here's a quick-view of the kinds of templates you can expect from Point Click Workbook Creation - which you can use to create a workbook, or ANY type of digital product really...

I shared some creative ideas here including: an opt-in incentive, ebook, checklist, free download, a bonus to your product, you name it.

See for yourself (then keep reading, because I have more cool tips & ideas to share with you!!):

Download the Point Click Workbook Creation

The cool thing is, once I opened up those programs - I realized I already had some great workbook and product ideas in the works!

That may happen to you too, or at the very least you'll remember product ideas you made notes on - or PLR you downloaded that you could plug into these awesome templates.

Trust me, just watch the quick videos and open the templates... and see if the ideas don't FLY! :)

And then...

I had all but dismissed Alice Seba's offer this weekend because - well, because I'm busy and because I didn't think it was something I could use.

But for some reason I looked at it again this afternoon and BINGO - light bulbs went off all over the place!

Check this out:

(I made it where both images will open up in full size if you click on them, so you can check them out better)

This product is The Complete "Boost Your Confidence" Bundle with Private Label Rights

The topic is PERFECT for both business owners I work with, and for my low carb / weight loss niche! Actually, confidence is a topic relevant to practically ANY niche - and a niche in itself even.

* we should all download it and use it to boost our OWN confidence - too! ;-)

The point I wanted to make though is how WELL these pages are formatted for creating interactive products or workbooks.

You could scrap the whole "confidence" topic even, and just use the formatted pages to create ANY kind of product - or bonus download/workbook to a workshop or training you want to offer in your niche.

I told you I was on fire!
🔥 Ideas are flying wild today. :)

It's the PERFECT complement to Debbie's Point Click Workbook Templates which are only $17 this weekend, and Alice's "Boost Your Confidence" Bundle is only 9.95 today - so for less than $27 you could combine these two products and have everything you need to create endless products in your niche!

I'm not going to twist your arm or anything, but I wanted to stop what I was doing and at least encourage you to take a look for yourself...

Because these templates are SO easy to use, and got me FIRED UP about creating some awesome money-makers that people will LOVE.

And honestly, it's been awhile since I've been fired up - or felt any real motivation at all. My projects have been on the back burner for ages, collecting dust and regrets. :p

Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration...

And it helps when most of the work is done for you already. :)

I'm dusting off ALL my great product ideas and plugging them into these awesome templates, so I'm off to get back to work on that.

It feels GOOD to be excited, motivated and feeling creative again. :)

That alone was worth a few bucks! lol... *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you don't have a niche, or a business, or any ideas... THIS is your opportunity to get it all up with an amazing offer, and everything you need to create it.

=> Download the Point Click Workbook Templates

And be sure to grab the "Boost Your Confidence" Bundle too and combine the two into at least ONE awesome product you can use to build a profitable list.

Whether you create a freebie and build a list you can market related products to, or you create a product and build a list of buyers, you would be hard pressed NOT to make your money back FAST considering how cheap these templates are... and how GREAT they are.

No design skills or creativity required. Just download, open, and start editing!

These are awesome offers from Debbie and Alice this weekend, and those are my affiliate links, so thank you in advance if you choose to take advantage of these crazy good offers - and use my link to put the wheels in motion!