I don't want to live my life anymore.

Published: Wed, 09/26/18

I know that may sound morbid or scary, but I feel very calm about it... because it's true: I don't want to live my life anymore.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this lately, mostly off the grid (unplugged from life & business) while hiking miles on end - or sitting on the tops of waterfalls.

Tennessee is awesome for beautiful "thinking spots" like that. :)

I've known for a long time that I'm unhappy, or rather that I'm not excited about life and I'm not goal-driven anymore like I used to be.

I have a lot of problems, or challenges I think is a better word for them.

But as I always say, "Every problem or challenge presents a potential opportunity."

So fortunately, I can change all of that.

I've been in business and working online almost 22 years now, so I've certainly been through my share "phases" and challenges along the way.

Want to know what I always say to myself when things get rough, finances get tight, or I feel stressed & overwhelmed - or just NOT feeling it at all?


"I have everything I need to accomplish or do anything I want in life."

It's true. I have all the skills, assets, knowledge, contacts, etc to make ANYTHING happen that I can dare to dream up!

I realize that's not the case for everyone, and I know from my own past life of being broke/homeless/hopeless at various times in my life that it's a scary place to be when you have nothing and no real options.

That's the reason I set out early on to help as many people as I can to achieve the same point of business success and financial security that I have for myself.

The fact that I achieved that doesn't make me special in any way. I don't have any formal education. I didn't even finish high school. I'm "self taught" and still continue to learn as I go every single day. I just don't ever want to go hungry again, or feel hopeless again, or worry about losing everything - or how I'm going to get by. I did NOT want that (again) bad enough to make SURE I never found myself in that position again. Because it's an awful place to be.

At times like this when I find myself unhappy, or facing big challenges, or just not feeling personally fulfilled - basically not having FUN or enjoying my life - I remind myself of that.

I remember all too well how bad things CAN be or get, and I remind myself that I have it made now in comparison -- and that I have options.

I also remind myself that I have it better than most. I have a pretty good life. One I created intentionally, with purpose and with a passionate drive.

Still, life happens. Things change. Your purpose in life changes over time, your passion for things too. And that's where I find myself lately...

I made some mistakes over the last few years. Most of them were completely unintentional, but in hindsight I made choices that brought me where I am today.

I take full responsibility for that (step one: important, lol).

Some of those mistakes were business related, some personal, which doesn't really matter: my business and lifestyle are all wrapped up into one big package. My lifestyle is part of my business, and my business is part of my lifestyle.

I jokingly refer to myself as a "walking tax deduction" since I'm basically monetizing every aspect of my life through my online business ventures. :)

So what am I going to do?

Jumping off one of those beautiful waterfalls is certainly an option. I personally think that life is a CHOICE, and I like knowing that I have a choice.

I find it liberating to wake up every day and know that it is MY choice to live my life, and it is my choice HOW I choose to live my life.

Choices are good. I have a lot of them to make right now, so I've been working through that strategically - once choice at a time.

Easier said than done since one choices ties to another which ties to another which ultimately affects the whole ball of wax. :p But it's a work in progress.

Having options is good too, and fortunately I have created a business and a lifestyle that gives me ENDLESS options.

Some of the options I'm considering right now will *shock* you (they have me!) but it's interesting all the possibilities that can rise out of problems life throws at you.

It's too early yet to share with you all the things I'm considering or looking into, or to state with any certainty what I'm going to do - or when, or how it's all going to play out. But stay tuned, because I feel sure this is going to make for an interesting story as it all unfolds!

I suppose that's one of the great things about choosing life: you never know what's around the next corner.

Back to that bold statement: "I don't want to live my life anymore." That's true. Which begs the question, "Okay Lynn, what life DO you want to life then?" followed by "How are you going to make that happen?"

I'm still working out the answers to those questions. There are a LOT of new variables involved, some of which are entirely too personal for me to share right now (or ever maybe), but I think this could be a very exciting turning point in my life and business (one and the same!) - depending on which fork in the hiking trail I choose to take from here...

Some things there are NO solutions for, and I've put a lot of thought into that. Those things are going to force change, or at least a change of focus - coming up with a new lifestyle, a new dream or a new life plan. And who knows, maybe that's a GOOD thing. (I can hope.)

Why should you care?

You shouldn't, really. Nobody else in my life seems to, so I didn't share any of this with you in hopes that you would. This is a less a call for help, and more an offer to help - you.

I don't know where you are in your life right now or how things are going. I really hope things are going amazingly well and your online business is off the ground and insanely profitable and you're totally excited to wake up every day and live your life.

I remember what that felt like. It's amazing.

I aim to get back there myself. I thought about giving up. That's human nature I think, especially when the solutions feel totally overwhelming and you're already completely disheartened. And I still like knowing that's an option. :p

But there are other options too, and some of them are SO SIMPLE. It's honestly not that hard to create a life that gives you endless options & opportunities. I did it! And geez I'm grateful for that, daily - seriously. Especially in a time like this, with all the circumstances that I find myself in now.

Which brings me to my point...

How can I help you achieve the same?

You CAN totally change your whole life and make things WAY better. (I'm going to!)

Do you even want to?

What will it take and how can I help you over the hump and into action toward that lifestyle & business action plan that will make everything better - and easier, and more fun - in your life?

After the last email I sent you Deborah replied and said, "
What other services and teaching tools do you offer besides Facebook advertising?  How to grow an online business is what I am looking for using all of social media and any other tools.  Let me know where I can go to read about you."

Here was my reply:

Hi Deborah :)

I actually do mostly organic social marketing (free) and teach by example using my own niche blog on how I grew my Instagram to almost 100k followers, how I built a list and social following of buyers for high conversions, how I negotiate deals and partnerships, how I increase conversion rates on social media etc.

I do all of that in two live sessions every week, plus my Private Brainstorming Group where I work hands-on with every member to start/grow their own online business and take it to max profit potential: https://www.clicknewz.com/hands-on-help/

I also offer Private Brainstorming Hour consulting, but that's $299/hour. If you decide to join my group, you'll see there are two options: http://www.clicknewz.com/orders/signup There is month to month, which is only $37 but comes to $444/year. Then there is an unlimited/lifetime access for $497 with no monthly recurring membership fees or any other charges.

If you choose the unlimited/lifetime access option I am happy to throw in one free 90 minute private consulting session to help you get a kick-start on your business goals. ;-)

You'll also get access to my two weekly sessions, my courses & training programs that I sell publicly are free to members as well, and hands-on help implementing it all. I also work one-on-one with members on brainstorming and creating action plans for your business.

Let me know if you have any questions. :)

I would like to extend the same offer to you.

If you're already a lifetime member of my Private Brainstorming Group, get in touch with me about that free 90 minute Private Brainstorming Hour. If you're not and you're still on a monthly subscription, let me know if you'd like to upgrade to the one-time membership fee to save money & avoid monthly payments - and to take advantage of the free one-on-one consulting session with me. Otherwise I have a discounted option for private sessions for members, so we can set that up for you too.

I would love to help you reach your goals this year - and change your life. :)

Meanwhile, I better get back to work on MY big life plan and my new business goals...

I'll keep an eye out for your email though if something in this note spoke to you and you want to send me a reply. I'm going to be traveling quite a bit between now and Saturday (part of my "solution in progress") but I'll have my mobile and laptop with me - so reach out! Worst case I'll get back with you over the weekend. ;-) *cheers*

If nothing else, this:

Keep fighting. Keep searching for that reason, that purpose, that passion.

I'm here for you.

Lynn Terry

p.s. Did you see this:
Where to start back when you're SO far off track... ?