32 Ideas & Simple Tasks That Will Make You Money In ANY Niche

Published: Sun, 10/21/18

Creative ways to increase Reach and Revenue, because those are the two MOST important things you can focus on when it comes to building your business - or even just making money online...

I sat down and came up with a quick list off the top of my head to give you some actionable ideas that will make you money in ANY niche.

Obviously you can use this list to make MORE money, to boost your established business with increased traffic & sales.

Consider it a running list to work from whenever you need a fresh idea or a quick boost. Just pick one and run with it!

I’ll be sharing detailed how-to information & ideas for each of the tasks/ideas on this list on my blog at ClickNewz, so stay tuned!

We’ll also be discussing them in detail in the Weekly Marketing Challenge Group - with FUN mini challenges! - so be sure to join us there as well. ;-)


32 Things You Can Do That Will Make You Money:

  • Create an Online Course or Class - Click here to learn how for free (including how to pick a topic you KNOW people will pay for!)
  • Start a Facebook Group
  • Write a monetized blog post with a specific call-to-action
  • Host a Challenge
  • Sell advertising on your site or blog
  • Sell advertising to your social audience (sponsored content)
  • Build your social audience
  • Create or source a physical product to sell
  • Do an exclusive (true!) Joint Venture
  • Find a great product or service to promote as an affiliate
  • Offer a service
  • Create a checklist
  • Create a worksheet
  • Write a short report
  • Create an ebook
  • Create a workbook
  • Host a "Bundle" event or a Virtual Summit
  • Host a webinar or teleseminar
  • Start a topical series on Facebook Live
  • Facebook Live Video for a specific Review/Recommendation
  • Turn a good blog post into a workbook, worksheet or checklist
  • Host an online workshop, course or class
  • Host an offline workshop
  • Create a group coaching offer
  • Set up an affiliate program for your product or service and recruit active affiliates to promote you/your products
  • Recruit active affiliates to promote your products or services
  • Create a print-on-demand spiral bound version of your digital product
  • Create a high-value opt in offer to build an email list (easily promote w/$5 Posts Method)
  • Promote your landing page using the $5 Posts Method on Facebook to build your list FAST
  • Create "content upgrades" for your best blog posts
  • Set up a membership site
  • Turn your best blog posts into live/interactive content: webinar, challenge, workshop, Facebook Live, video, etc.


We'll start there, but I have more to add to this list for you!

I’ll be sharing detailed how-to information & ideas for each of the tasks/ideas on this list here on my blog at ClickNewz, so stay tuned...

We’ll also be discussing them in detail in the Weekly Marketing Challenge Group - with FUN mini challenges! - so be sure to join us there as well.

Questions / Thoughts?

Leave a comment with your BIGGEST question about anything on this list here:


I'll include the answers in upcoming posts about each "money idea" in this fun series.


For hands-on help and brainstorming YOUR niche or idea, join my Private Brainstorming Group here so I can work with you on creating a strategic action plan to turn your idea into a money-maker, or help you take your business to the next level.

Lynn Terry

p.s. Don't forget to Register for Teachable Live Today

I'm attending myself, so I'll see you there! :)