I found this from 25 years ago (personal, but beautiful)...

Published: Sat, 04/06/19

I'll show you this, but don't save it or share it - it's very personal. I'm sharing it with you because the synchronicity of it all strikes me as both interesting and odd - but definitely as a good sign! I attached it at the end of this note...

Recently in my Private Brainstorming Group, Chris was talking about decluttering and organizing her entire life - both online and offline, physical and digital.

That got me inspired to do the same!

I've been making big changes in my life and outlining new goals, but as you probably know from your own personal experience: change is hard! We're creatures of habit. It's human nature...

It feels so difficult to change your usual routine, or "break out of the dailies" as I like to say and do something totally different!

Goals are basically just good intentions, unless you take action. And more often than not, unless you FORCE action.

I mentioned that in my last email with the free downloads: taking fast action - because if you don't, it won't get done. Right? ;-)

Anyway, I started this whole "big changes in my life and business" thing late last year. But per my usual I didn't get much further than the idea phase, other than outlining the game plan and creating a checklist, and maybe getting a few things started here and there.

Then Chris brought it up again in the ClickNewz forum, and reignited my motivation to actually GET IT DONE instead of just "plan to do it." (She set a very clear goal with a deadline, and met it! THAT inspired me.)

I might be selling myself short just a bit. I have actually accomplished quite a bit. Just not as much as I would have liked to by now...

Anyway, a fresh dose of motivation is always a GREAT thing. It was just the spark I needed! I dug in, threw things out, rearranged my office to "break the routine" and have a fresh (more organized work space) and have been steadily working through the list.

This works for me, so maybe it will work for you too...

There's no way to change everything, fix everything, or see the end result of any big thing all in one day. That's one the main reasons people don't start at all, or never finish.

TIP: Challenge yourself to do just ONE thing every day toward your goal, or challenge yourself to a specific amount of time, whether it's 15 minutes or 90 minutes - every.single.day.

Being consistent and persistent is the key, consistently working toward the result you want!

Getting back to the "synchronicity" of it all - I was on this path, sorta halfway committed, then Chris got me inspired and motivated all over again (!) and then... Alice Seba released a whole content package on the topic!

It's called: 4 Weeks To Decluttering Your Life & Mind For More Focus

It's under 10 dollars for the next 3 days, and it IS a private label rights package - meaning you can use the content package as a list builder, or any way you please in your business.

But honestly... I thought it was worth 9.95 to download and use the planning worksheets & checklists for myself!

Idea: Capitalize on the "Marie Kondo Craze"

That content package could work in practically any niche, and Marie Kondo has gone totally viral - getting everyone into decluttering and organizing!

The timing is perfect for you to consider ways to leverage that in your niche or in your business. ;-)

I have a food blog, so I hosted a "Kitchen Organization Challenge" a few years ago that my readers LOVED. It was all about cleaning, organizing, rearranging, throwing out old stuff, and basically making your kitchen a place you ENJOY cooking.

Maybe you speak to writers - are they focused and writing, or buried under tons of notes and clutter and feeling unfocused in their writing space? Maybe you speak to crafters - is their craft space organized and FUN and inspiring them to CREATE? Maybe you speak to gardeners...

Like I said, the topic is great for any niche because everyone needs to be more organized and more focused.

Plus it's EASY to monetize!

Just have a look on Amazon and search your main keyword (gardening, home gym, kitchen, woodworking, etc) - or just search the word: organization. There are TONS of products you can recommend to help your readers!

During my Kitchen Organization Challenge we had open discussions about our favorite kitchen gadgets, created Kitchen Wish Lists etc - and I did make A LOT of sales on kitchen products. ;-)

Yesterday I sent you some free downloads, ideas & a live example...

One of those would be a PERFECT way to use this particular content package:

How to Create Your Own 30 Day Niche Challenge… in ONE day.

FREE 8-Step Niche Challenge Planning Worksheet

You can easily use that ^ to build a niche email list, re-engage your list & audience, start a niche Facebook group or get your Facebook group ACTIVE again.

💡 Running a challenge (even a shorter one) is a great way to stir up some FUN and profitable activity in your niche, with the bonus of building your list & audience!

Hopefully that gives you some ideas you can USE, or an idea for what kind of challenge to host (and the content to do it!) - or at least gets you inspired to start organizing and brainstorming and taking action on your goals. :)

Consider this too...

It's hard for ANYONE to get organized, make change, start something new, stick to something they just started, take ACTION on a goal even when it's really important to them...

You know this from personal experience, right?

So just imagine how much you can help your audience by hosting an interactive challenge, and working with and alongside them to see GREAT RESULTS! :)

People LOVE challenges!

I find hosting a challenge always helps ME (finally) accomplish a certain task or goal too. Bonus!

I almost forgot to share the personal thing I mentioned at the start, lol...

As part of my mission to "do at least ONE thing every single day toward your goal" I was salvaging some old photos today from an album that got ruined - years ago, actually. It got set aside with a lot of other things. You know, the stuff that becomes what we call "clutter." :)

This particular task really touched me deep, as I'm in the midst of a major turning point in my life and business.

I looked at the old photos, page after page, and realized: this is not my life anymore.

Don't worry, I didn't throw them away, lol. :) But it was a nice opportunity to look over who I was, consider who I am now because of it, and put some SERIOUS thought into who & how I want to be next...

That's a good exercise or journal prompt you might benefit from this weekend too...

Ask yourself: What do I want my business and my lifestyle to look like one year from now?

Then create a plan to MAKE IT HAPPEN...

Lynn Terry

p.s. This is the personal piece I found in the front of that old album. It was written 25 years ago. I've always enjoyed writing, and used to write poems all the time. And used to be in love too, obviously. :)

De-cluttering is not about throwing away things that matter to you. It's about organizing your life or business in a way that brings you joy, instead of making you feel stressed or overwhelmed.

That's exactly what I'm working on. Finding a place for the things that matter, find the TIME and mental space for the things that matter, and taking CONTROL of my life and my environment - my personal space.

🔴 If you haven't yet, check out:

4 Weeks To Decluttering Your Life & Mind For More Focus

FREE 8-Step Niche Challenge Planning Worksheet