YouTube, Instagram & Blogging...

Published: Fri, 04/12/19

I found this to be highly offensive and somewhat amusing, definitely a slanted and very limited viewpoint, but also very well written:

Instagram Is A Sad Sparkly Lie

"Instagram influencers have to find a way to give audiences what they want and make it SEEM possible, which involves projecting a lifestyle that CAN'T exist." (emphasis mine)

This is not AT ALL how I view or run my own Instagram account, or any of my social media channels. Exactly the opposite actually: I project a lifestyle that is easily attainable, and ideas that make it EASIER to see results.

The author starts out with, "There are rules for being an Instagram influencer. First of all, be famous, or at least related to someone famous, and if you can’t be famous, at least have the decency to be rich. Second, as in most public-attention-based endeavors, be young, female, and conventionally attractive. Third, you’ve got to go on vacation. No one needs to know why, or what you’re vacationing from, you’ve just go to go on vacation all the time."

- which made me LAUGH, because of course... that is not at all true. 🙄

💡 Tip of the day: Ask yourself, "How can I best help my target market get excited about this, get started with this, or see RESULTS doing this?" - then create content that makes that happen!

For some creative ideas, download this Free 7-Page Blog Post Brainstorming Worksheet. This is great to download & refer to anytime you need a little "blogging boost" or creative topics & ideas for your content marketing strategy.

While it's meant for blog post topics & creative content angles - the content ideas in that free download work equally as well to brainstorm social media content ideas, or even video topic ideas if you're doing Facebook Live or YouTube videos.

Scan over the ideas, pick one... and post! ✔️

Also see: and type in your main niche keyword - or a word more specific to something you want to blog about or promote. That's one of my FAVORITE resources to come up with ENDLESS content ideas!

In closing, another great read...

This is a great example of why you should diversify your traffic sources & audience building - and why you should leverage social media to build your own list & following (off platform) vs trying to build a business ON someone else's property:

The Golden Age of YouTube is OVER

(I found it particularly interesting how the numbers affected their creativity, motivation & overall well-being.)

If you ever find yourself in a similar position, or feeling this way, consider the SOLUTIONS instead of getting sucked into negative thinking.

All of those people have tons of opportunities and options from the "high point" - but all too often people throw in the towel when things slow down or change, instead of leveraging that "high" to move on to the next best rung on the ladder of their business.

My point: The internet is constantly changing and evolving. You have to change with it, go with the flow, leverage every asset you can, and look at every "problem" as a potential turning point to even bigger success.

I say that from 23 years of experience in business & working online myself... ;-)

Have a great weekend!

Lynn Terry

p.s. While we're here, how about some Friday Freebies to give you some fresh ideas to work with? ;-) Here you go...

Why Use Facebook Stories to Grow Your Business

Ideas for Creating Compelling Facebook Stories

How to Create a Facebook Story

Free Downloadable Webinar Planner