Free "Imaginary Collection" Business Graphics (& your Imaginary Productivity! lol...)

Published: Wed, 04/03/19

Do you struggle to stay on task, or make any real progress with your online business - or your BEST ideas?

If so, you're not alone... and it's actually normal!

Blasting through all the obstacles like procrastination, distractions, technical hurdles, etc is something we all deal with while starting or running a business. So my best advice to you is to simply accept that it's going to be chaotic and crazy and fun and maddening and insanely rewarding - all at the same time!

I am constantly reading how other people handle some of the most common daily issues and mindset hangups, and trying new ways to increase my own productivity - and profitability.

I've been sharing these around the web but wanted to send them to you as well, because I think you'll REALLY enjoy them! Here you go...

(Oh, and I put a free download & a thought provoking quote at the end of this note for you.)

Why Your Brain Loves Procrastination

This was a great article, but I'll condense it down to the very best parts in case you don't have time to read it. ;-)

1. Top tip to STOP procrastination: "Just get started." And it’s important you don’t say, "Just do it" — that’s overwhelming. But just get started.

2. Why does starting a task, even in a very small way, make it easier to follow through? Because progress on our goals feeds our well-being.

So the most important thing you can do is bootstrap a little progress. Get a little progress, and that’s going to fuel your well-being and your motivation.

continue reading the article here


How To Be Productive When Your Life Is In Chaos

(the explanations of order vs chaos underneath made me smile too! lol)

The way I see it, we have two choices.

* We accept that life is chaos and find a way to adapt ourselves.
* We refuse to adapt and become miserable because “life is hard.”

continue reading the article here

Excellent read! I especially like the "Work in Short Bursts" and "Stay Focused on the Goal" advice - something I practice myself. Because...

The only consistent thing in life... is change itself. ;-)


And in closing...

This was very a thought-provoking read, but it also made me laugh: Why do I put off doing things I love?! - -  and I can totally relate. ;-) I bet you can too! It has me inspired to DO things, NOW.

Make it a GREAT week! *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. Every week Creative Market offers six FREE downloads you can use in your online marketing. The downloads are different every week, so grab this week's freebies while you still can:
Creative Market: 6 Free Design Downloads

Of the 6 this week, the free "Imaginary Collection" graphics are hands-down the best! You could use that set for social media quote/tip graphics, postcards, thank you notes, Wordpress theme design, digital product design & branding - you name it. Beautiful work, and FREE this week! Enjoy ;-)