Quick Tip: How To Never Fail Again (Seriously!)

Published: Mon, 04/29/19

For someone that continues, failure becomes impossible - and winning becomes inevitable.

If you get the daily "Notes from the Universe" email, that may sound familiar to you. It was today's note. If you don't get get Notes from the Universe, I highly recommend it! It's something I look forward to every morning. :) You can sign up free at https://tut.com

What does that mean exactly?

From my 23 years in business, or the way it has worked for me I should say is this:

It's not that failure is impossible. Sure, some ideas or projects are going to flop. That's business. But for the person that continues forward and uses that "flop" as a learning experience or launch pad, then makes changes or "tweaks & tests" based on that information...

Success is inevitable. Why? Because a true entrepreneur doesn't stop or quit until they WIN - until they figure out how to make it work, or what will work instead, and see an idea all the way through to successful results.

There's no telling how many flops and fails there are behind every successful product launch - or popular toy, food, restaurant or product. ;-)

Food for thought today!

I've read it three times already since I saw the email this morning, so here it is again for you to consider more deeply:

For someone that continues, failure becomes impossible - and winning becomes inevitable.

* * * * *

Another thing I love to brainstorm is "problems" - because every problem presents a potential solution, which can often be some of the best ideas you ever have!

Consider all the things you THINK are a problem in your business or in/with your niche. Make a list even! Then put your thinking cap on and analyze that list of problems. If "x" is a problem, what's the solution to that problem? Or how can you better serve your market give this particular problem?

I realize that may seem vague, but it will probably come in handy for you at just the right time some day. ;-) I was going to give you a handful of live examples, but it's right about "naptime" here right now and my brain is obviously taking a break without me. :p

For now, work on the list. We'll come back around to that one!

In the meantime...

This free offer ends tonight, so make sure you check it out if you haven't already:

FREE Done-for-You Content Download:
Report, Cover Graphics & 10-Day Ecourse

I included a lot of creative ideas & ways to use it in my last note.

Also, the deal on Endless Instagram Traffic (Even If You Have No Followers) ends tomorrow/Tuesday if you want to see which niche Debbie is tapping into and exactly what she's doing with Instagram right now. She's very thorough with her step-by-step videos and templates.

Make it a great week! *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. Speaking of Templates, Canva.com is one of my favorite resources for easy drag & drop graphics and they have free templates for: worksheets, book covers, Instagram posts, Instagram stories, YouTube still images, Facebook posts, flyers etc - practically anything you need for your business graphics.

A lot of their templates are free and you can even upload your own images to use in their templates. It's super easy, so even a NON creative (like me, lol) can make high quality graphics and social posts that look like I hired someone to make them for me. :) Check it out!

p.p.s. If you're not sure what to do with the Instagram Templates at Canva, or what to do with Instagram at all (!) be sure to check out the Endless Instagram Traffic training - and also join my Social Marketing Results Group on Facebook. We can chat there. I'm ROCKING Instagram, so I'm happy to chat with you there about it. ;-)