Ideas - Real Niche Example

Published: Mon, 06/17/19

Sorry for the quick email this morning. Here's a real niche example with ideas you can USE.

If you missed my note you can read it here. I was talking about using actionable content to quickly create high value products, build your list super fast, increase the value of your digital OR physical products OR services, increase your affiliate sales, etc.

I used these 100 Printables/Worksheets as an example, or as an idea-generator. They're still under $10 but only until midnight eastern tonight (maybe 5 more hours) so if you miss that - no big deal. They'll be worth it at $47 instead of $9.95, or you can just browse the page for ideas and create your own (if you have that kind of time & creativity).

Anyway, I wanted to give you a REAL NICHE EXAMPLE because that special deal crossed my screen at the BEST time. :)

As you know (I assume?) I actually do all this "internet marketing stuff" in a real niche, serving real people with real products & solutions.

My niche site is and I host a challenge at I've been working in this niche for over 8 years, and running the challenge site/group for at least 6 years I think.

Up until now I've hosted the challenge 3-4 times a year totally free, but it's a GREAT list builder - and my niche email list is my top converting communication channel, second to the Facebook Group where I host the challenge. So that's all good and it's totally worth it. ;-)

BUT, I've known for awhile it's not serving my challengers as well as it COULD. They're struggling with certain things I could definitely help them with better. So I've been working on a more structured challenge environment, various guides and resources, etc.

One of those ideas was to create a "90 Day Challenge Guide & Planner" for them to use as they work through each day of the challenge. Something like this: but all about my challenge specifically - and my advice/guidance as they work through each day/week:

My challenge & group will remain free, but this product I'm creating will be an addon/upgrade option. I plan to use POD (print on demand) to offer them both a spiral bound version AND a digital version - or the option to only get the digital version (cheaper) as a downsell.

For the digital version, I'm going to make it interactive (see PDF's on Steroids: Make Them Interactive!) so they don't have to print it out and they can use it over and over and over again.

That's a GREAT value-add because they can print it as many times as they want, or just work in it over and over online. Whatever they prefer!

People LOVE options. And having something interactive, not just a printable, totally takes YOUR product to the next level in comparison to anything else they've downloaded. ;-)

Obviously creating a guide and planner will be a great product to sell, and build a nice list of buyers, but there will also be TONS of affiliate opportunities throughout that guide as well - resources, product recommendations, my list of discount codes, etc.

Are you seeing the profit potential here?

But as nice as that is, because it's business... can you see how HELPFUL it will be for people who are otherwise struggling through my challenge and having to ask a million questions - or worse, keep quiet and feel LOST?

Right: it's a great way to better serve my market!

I have another product/offer I'm almost finished with that will make a great upsell or addon to the guide & journal, and I also plan to make it super interactive as well. I'm LOVING the ideas I got from those two pages!!

So there's a real niche example for you...

How can you use this model in YOUR business?

If you need help, or like my ideas and want more of them, the monthly option to join my Private Brainstorming Group is currently open. I usually only do annual or lifetime access, because honestly I keep my group pretty tight and like to LOVE the people I'm working with hands on. But if you really need help, and you're serious about making the second half of 2019 count (!!) click here and join us.

Otherwise, stay tuned for more ideas...

I'll send you a note every time I get a free minute! *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. The 9.95 deal for the entire download ends tonight:

100 Printables/Worksheets Package

Worst case scenario you'll get TONS of profitable new ideas just looking at that page. :)

Then also see Printables on Steroids (smart!)

This is just one of the sets in the zip file of downloads. All the designs are different, giving you tons of options to work with, even if you just use them as templates: