I am NOT good at this 🤦‍♀️

Published: Tue, 07/16/19

I'm feeling so much resistance to this, even though I know it would grow my business FAST and increase traffic & revenue like crazy. *sigh* 🤦‍♀️

Every time I look at it, I feel a hit of anxiety...

I'm good at A LOT of things in my business, and I've been in business & working online for more than 23 years - successfully.

But outsourcing or managing a team has been the ONE thing I've never really mastered.

Alice Seba is the one person I look to (and admire) for how well she does this, and how seamlessly her business is running (and constantly GROWING!) because of it.

She's the queen of outsourcing and leveraging a team to scale her business - so it requires WAY less time and less stress to run, and easily scales for WAY better results (and profit).

Just watching how she does things is nothing short of amazing! And incredibly inspiring. 😉

I've been friends with her for years and we've roomed together at events, I've been to her place and she's been to mine (she's actually coming to stay with me this weekend, even), so I've actually been able to SEE her in action - and watch how effortlessly she manages her BIG online business.

She's hosting a live event tomorrow before she heads up here for a visit, and she's calling it: "How to Earn the Big Bucks and Be CEO of Your Business" She threw in lots of helpful tools & resources too, on top of her BRAIN - and her 17 years of hands on experience.

I'm not 100% sure I want to do that...

Be "a CEO" I mean. I actually LIKE the way I run my business, and how hands-on I am with creating the content and interacting with my audience on a daily basis in my niche (as @LowCarbTraveler ).

That's not something I plan to or even WANT to give up.

That said, there are SO many things I could be doing less of, be doing better, be handing off to someone else to handle - and so many things I could accomplish (idea-to-implementation!) if I let someone else just GET IT DONE for me.

I've gone so far as to add two new people to my team this year, expanding to a team of four now when you include my long-term VA (virtual assistant) and myself.

But I'm still not getting them the tasks & ideas they need to work with.

Good intentions obviously with finding & hiring the two new people, but I'm really struggling to get my head out of the "dailies" long enough to actually leverage the awesome team I've started building out!

There might be a little bit of resistance & procrastination happening too, lol...

THAT is what I need to learn most from Alice, and the way she runs her own business.

She has a different business model than I do, but I know I can easily apply some of her strategies to my own model, and learn smart ways to incorporate outsourcing & leverage more efficiently and more effectively.

Or I could just keep spinning my wheels. 😜

(and paying for something I'm NOT making the most of: a team of three - which is silly)

She has this live event set to "name your own price" so you can join in for any amount. I decided on $100 for two reasons: 1) it's worth WAY more than that, and 2) that's enough of an investment to MAKE me implement it - and hold me accountable to seeing results.

She's also recording it too, which is ideal for me - so I can assign my own value (price) AND watch it on my own schedule. Because my day is entirely too FULL tomorrow (er, for obvious reasons - lol).

For me personally, the downloads she included alone are worth getting to help me get organized and create a WORKABLE PLAN to scale my business.

Especially the:

- Outsourcing Templates
- Yearly Marketing Plan Templates
- Plan Your Profits: Sales Funnel Planner
- Product Launch Super Pack Course
- Outsourcing Course

There are more too, including everything she's going to share on the 90+ minute strategy session. PLUS you get private label rights to the entire thing, which means you can use it as your own content if that's something that interests you.

You can check it all out here...

Are you currently outsourcing, or even out-tasking things in your business to help you focus on what YOU do best but still grow and increase traffic & revenue?

Or are you interested in starting?

She's even going to talk about how to start outsourcing when you don't have the funds upfront.

You can start small of course, using sites like Fiverr to get quick single jobs/tasks done that will help you get more traffic or make more money.

I'm more comfortable scaling slowly, and taking my time to add quality people to my team. Starting with single tasks & odd jobs is a great way to find people you really LIKE working with, or that do an amazing job at the things you need.

I've been on the fence about this for a couple of days myself, but I think my resistance is the obvious NUDGE that means it's time for me to tune in, step up, consider some fresh ideas, and take action toward scaling up & out!

What about you?

Sorry for the long-winded candid thoughts & confessions & such... but talking this out really helped me make the right decision for ME - in my business right now. :)

I'm off to sign up!

Obviously I'm doing very well, all things considered. I mean, I've had a successful business for going on 24 years and I get to work from home with a six figure income, etc etc etc.

But I don't mind to admit I'm working more hours than usual lately - and have more stress and less free time than I used to.

That's because my business is GROWING and it's making me hit a wall: experience serious limits on what all I can accomplish in a day - or a week, or a month.

It's time for me to step out of this frustrating cycle and get back to a point where I can take a deep breath... or go on a long hike, or a fun trip! - without feeling like I'm walking away from everything, and knowing things are still getting done, and that money wheel is still rolling. ;-)

And if you're just starting out, my advice is: start out RIGHT. Make your business easily scalable from the start.

Lynn Terry

p.s. I love this concept of scheduling an "Untouchable Day" for creative projects. Such a simple yet effective solution to our otherwise overly full and less than productive days with entirely too much input - and never enough output.

"As our world gets busier and our phones get beepier, the scarcest resource for all of us is becoming ATTENTION and CREATIVE OUTPUT. And if you’re not taking time to put something new and beautiful out into the world, then your value is diminishing FAST." -continue reading