Monday Motivation: Are you causing your own failures? Stop that!

Published: Mon, 07/22/19

What are you avoiding or procrastinating on in your business out of fear, a confidence crisis, or because you worry it won't be good enough - or that it will just flat out FAIL? Or maybe you have another reason for hesitating on your projects and goals...

➡️ Newsflash: you guarantee failure with "failure to launch!" ;-)

Just DO THINGS - do things less than perfect, do them badly even, then tweak & improve as you go. ☑️

Get in the habit of FINISHING and PUBLISHING.

The more you have out there, the more response/data you have to work with to continue growing & improving. And the better your chance of building your business, getting traffic, making sales, all the good stuff. :)

Don't WAIT to start. Just START!

Working on a product, service or website right now?

Start building up your social media following & audience and discussing your topic NOW - put yourself on the hook and create an audience to SERVE with your thoughts, ideas & offers.

Have a product you'll be launching soon?

Start leaking tips and hints and get some anticipation building! That "audience interest" will motivate you to finish it FASTER and to actually launch it.

The only real failure is the "failure to take action."

If you DO take action and it FLOPS, you now have something to work with to improve the targeting or the traffic or the conversion rate.

But you'll never know if you don't DO, and once you DO there is no failure... only a platform to keep tweaking & improving until you turn it into a WIN. ♥️

Lynn Terry

p.s. I love this concept of scheduling an "Untouchable Day" for creative projects. Such a simple yet effective solution to our otherwise overly full and less than productive days with entirely too much input - and never enough output.

"As our world gets busier and our phones get beepier, the scarcest resource for all of us is becoming ATTENTION and CREATIVE OUTPUT. And if you’re not taking time to put something new and beautiful out into the world, then your value is diminishing FAST." -continue reading