Ever get overwhelmed, or feel like quitting? 🤦‍♀️

Published: Wed, 10/23/19

A few weeks ago I came THIS close to having a total meltdown, then turned it all around with a super simple "thought shift" that had me EXCITED again about things I all of a sudden found myself dreading. It crossed my screen again today, so I decided to share it with you - in case you might need a little shifting yourself...

I woke up this morning thinking "I can't do this." 🤦‍♀️

I felt like bailing on everything I'm committed to, and just retreating.

Ever feel so overwhelmed you want to crawl in a hole and pull the hole in behind you?! 😔

Yeah, me too.

Then I saw this picture:

I remembered what an INSANE hike/climb this was. It pushed every limit I have - physically, mentally, emotionally.

There was fear, overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety, clock racing (to get out before dark - a SERIOUS deadline lol), pain, accountability to my hiking partner... and then in the end: an AMAZING sense of accomplishment!!! 🤸‍♀️💥

Once I was "in" I had no choice but to "do this" - to finish it, to get out, for survival.

➡️ It can be so easy to give up when there are no real rewards or consequences.

But there ARE amazing rewards to following through on projects, and there are very real consequences to bailing on tasks & commitments.

They're not life & death no, but I just realized... that makes them so much easier!! 🙂❣

If I did THAT (that crazy hike), this stuff in front of me now is just plain easy. Yeah, I got this. Tackle your tasks like a mountain you WANT to climb!! Keep your eye on the rewards, that amazing sense of achievement, that pride and confidence you LOVE to feel!! ❤

➡️ Stop focusing on how hard it is, or how incapable you feel.

Focus on what you want - and WHY you want it. ✔

#challengeyourself #youareworthit #makeshithappen


I hope this “note to myself” spoke to you… like it did me.

I find anytime I’m overwhelmed or feel like quitting, it’s because I’m focused on MYSELF and because I’m focused on RIGHT NOW – instead of focusing on the GOAL and the REWARD and the RESULTS.

– and those are the things that matter the most. 😉

In the end, how you feel today is not what you’ll remember in this journey, or as any real significant moment of your life. It’s those accomplishments and achievements that will stand out.

So let’s make those happen!

Anytime you catch yourself focused inward… shift that focus.

Get your mind back on what matters.


Lynn Terry

p.s. On another note... Kelly McCausey is hosting her annual Great Big Life & Biz Bundle this week, for a few more days at least. There's a "Live Upgrade" option that's really cool too.