Easy Affiliate Store Builder For WordPress

Published: Mon, 06/24/13

Lynn Terry of ClickNewz

Easy Affiliate Store Builder For WordPress

Datafeedr makes it very simple to build an online store, even for someone that has very little experience creating websites. Watch this quick video to see it in action...
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34 Video Mistakes To Avoid – Must See!

If you're planning to use Video Marketing in your online business, you absolutely must check out this free content. Warning: expect to be shocked, entertained, possibly offended, but definitely educated...
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Give Visitors Deals and Price Comparisons

People WANT to buy products online! Your job as an affiliate is to help them make an informed buying decision, and help them find the best product - and the best deal on that product. See live examples...
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7 Ways To Create Engaging Content

Do you ever get jealous of bloggers who create a never-ending stream of content? You know the ones I mean. Marketers who seem to effortlessly pump out content as if they can just wave their hands and out comes another blog post, webinar, podcast, or even an entire infoproduct….like magic.
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