Important Note, New Affiliate Tutorials, Gmail Uproar...

Published: Mon, 07/29/13

It's really late here. Actually it's well after midnight here in my office. I've had the most fabulous weekend full of long naps, endless hours on the lake enjoying the sunshine, and super-productive blocks of "work time" in between. 
I really do enjoy the "internet business lifestyle" and all the freedom and flexibility it offers in my schedule! :-)
Anyway, the reason I decided to send you a quick note this late is because we're down to the last few hours for you to take advantage of the Kathleen Gage's bonuses with her new book release.
You'll get her book on Amazon, and then get her bonuses directly from her. You can get all the details here. Even if the book is not the perfect fit for you, the bonuses definitely are - and you may find the book a great gift for a friend or family member. 
Also, there are two more posts in my series on Affiliate Niche Blogging, which is the "cross blog conversation" I'm having with Vera Raposo. This series is getting great feedback! Here are the two newest posts:
And last but not least - have you heard the uproar about Gmail's new "Tabbed Inbox" update? We're discussing it on my Facebook Page if you'd like to check that out - or better yet, join in! Here are the links to those conversations:
I hope you had a great weekend, and have an fabulous start to your week. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Facebook and/or on the posts I shared with you above...
Lynn Terry 
p.s. In addition to the "How to Make Your First $100 Online" and "How to Sell Thousands From Any Platform" bonuses, Kathleen just added another fun bonus to people who grab her new book -> A free seat on her Live Teleseminar titled "The Truth About Making Money on the Internet" :-)
Get the details at Power Up for Profits! while she's still celebrating her new book release, and before she pulls the bonuses sometime on Monday July 29th... Enjoy!