Did You Use The Content Tips? And... update on my Mac :(

Published: Sun, 11/10/13

On Friday I sent you some simple content ideas. I'm curious if you had a chance to put those into practice yet. If you missed that email, you'll find a copy of it here.
I mentioned in that note that I was off the to Apple Store after my Macbook hard drive failed on me. It's been an interesting week to say the least. I learned A LOT from the whole experience, and I share it all in this new post:


For easy reference, here are the links I recommend checking out:

- Mozy for automated off-site backups

- Dropbox for easy file storage

- Evernote... for Everything! :-)
That is my referral link for Mozy, and for Evernote as well - they have a new point/reward system for referring new members, and you'll earn points too. :)

You'll see WHY I recommend those options when you read my post above.

I've also been getting a lot of questions again lately about List Building For Bloggers. (Note: We have an exlusive ClickNewz discount code, which you'll find at that link.)

For example, Michelle just asked: "Even though this product has been out for about or over two years, is it still evergreen and can I still purchase it at the discount price?"

The answer is YES and YES. :)

In fact you can see a recent social media conversation I had about that at this link: http://www.clicknewz.com/8703/smart-list-building-tips/

You'll also see my video with some great list building & email marketing tips. Enjoy!

Lynn Terry

p.s. I'm heading to the SEO Braintrust 2013 event in Vegas on the 20th and I am SO looking forward to the getaway. There's still time to register if you want to join us there. I would love to meet up if you're going! Just see this post for all the details: http://www.clicknewz.com/8763/seo-braintrust-2013/