Free Training Session: Mark Your Calendar!

Published: Wed, 12/04/13

This Friday at Noon Eastern I am hosting a free training session you'll definitely want to attend live - or you can watch the replay at your own convenience:

Topic: Fast, Easy Content Marketing  
Date: Friday, December 6th
Time: Noon Eastern, 9am Pacific
Duration: 90 Minutes

Join us live and learn how to create fun, engaging content super fast! Find out how to increase your response rate, how to make the most of every piece of content you write or publish, and how to get more action and higher conversions with your content marketing.

You can get more details, and read what my members had to say about this training session here:

Since you are already on my mailing list you don't need to subscribe again. I'll send you the log-in details to this same address tomorrow afternoon. But feel free to like, +1, or share this link with others you think may be interested in attending:

Expect to pick up lots of smart ideas you can use in your business immediately, and walk away with an inspiring & motivating new take on Content Marketing!

Lynn Terry

p.s. Mark your calendar for Friday at Noon Eastern because you don't want to miss out on this one. ;-) I'll send you the log-in link and the replay link (both free) to this email address...

See you there!